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So much news - October 2023

So much news - October 2023

Paul Blackwell20 Oct 2023 - 17:58
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Who knew the club was so busy after the season had finished

And so the season has well and truly ended, as a little peek out of the window will demonstrate. It finished well with promotions for at least 2 of the teams and a successful end of season awards evening which was enjoyed by over 40 club members. As always, Bobby's speech was a highlight and congratulations to all the winners of trophies in 2023.

The Youngsters season also finished with an awards ceremony with medals for over 70 participants and more pizza than anyone could consume. This, combined with an amazing curry that was organised by Maz, Hailey and others was a wonderful way to put the Cricket Club to bed. Thanks to those who organised it.

Talking of which, the same weekend we took down the sightscreens and the covers, the nets were dismantled and the cricket wickets were scarified and re-seeded ready for 2025. The benches for Curly and Rory and the big scoreboard have all been safely stowed away. The grounds continue to be maintained on a weekly basis as we don’t want to come back in April to grass that is a foot high! Thanks to those members who helped out on grounds work all season and especially at packing up time.

At the end of the season it was time for some of the boys to go for trials for District, Area and County recognition. Once again we had a number of boys selected for representative Cricket including two for the first time – Jeevan Luther who made the full Hertfordshire U15 squad and Mustafa Bashir, who will be following in his Dad’s footsteps we are sure, as he represents Hertfordshire u10 South. Well done to all the boys who will be flying the Ricky flag in these exalted circles - we have over a dozen at different age groups.

There is also a lot of club news to share. We will once again be netting at Rickmansworth School on Fridays after Christmas. We will start 30 minutes later which might help people coming from work. We looked at all the local options, but there really is nothing like Ricky School for the quality and money. This will include both youngsters (6pm-7pm) and adults (7pm-8pm).

The Club is looking to make some improvements inside the clubhouse as well. We are aware the changing rooms and toilets need a bit of Tender Loving Care. Watch this space as we look to get facilities to a level that suits a club in Division 2 of the Herts League!

Our shirt sponsorship deal is now open to offers and if anyone thinks they know a company who might be interested in being linked to one of Hertfordshire’s "clubs of 2023", then please let the committee know. Stefan or Neil R would be your first contact.

In 2024 we will also be entering a team that will play League Cricket on a Sunday. We have had a good offer for a Captain from an experienced club man and we feel this will give players more opportunity to play on a Sunday if they can’t get a space on Saturdays, and/or more cricket to lads (and maybe Dads too). This is really exciting.

Talking about competitive Cricket, the club have been meeting and talking to prospective players for our 1st team, as we look to strengthen for 2024. This will be our toughest challenge for 20 years or more. We cannot pay players, so please do not go suggesting players like this, however we would like to bring in a wicket-keeper and a spinner and perhaps a top-order batsman. So if you know anyone who would like to step up to Division 2, then I know Stefan and Azeem and the team would love to talk to them. We are a project, building towards Div1 and the Championship and extra players we bring in will also help strengthen the 2nds downwards. Anyone joining us must be doing so with the express intention of wanting to play and stay at Ricky for the future.

We are also looking out for anyone who would like to coach our youngsters on Fridays.

And finally a date for your diary. Next year our club house will be 100 years old. Amazing isn’t it! There will be a Celebration Dinner with music and food in a marquee on the grounds on the 28th June 2024. Including fireworks. All Ricky players and their partners, from over the last 100 years will be invited to celebrate with us. It is likely to be the hottest ticket in town. We can all make some more wonderful memories together.

I am sure we all look forward to Cricket nets and if you have any ideas or ways you think you can contribute to what is an amazing club, with wonderful people, then get involved.

That is it for now. Keep in touch...

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